Ready to take your home workouts up a notch?

Theraband workout with Symmetry Physio.

Our staff has developed a simple home workout that anyone can do anywhere. The benefits of keeping active are wide reaching, including physical and mental. So crank up the music, grab your theraband and spend the time looking after yourself.


Prior to any work out, it is essential to make sure you begin with some warm-up exercises to increase blood flow to the regions of the body you plan to work. Starting with movement based exercises instead of static stretches is best to improve blood flow and range of motion. Begin with simple exercises such as walking, riding, squats, push-ups (against a wall, on your knees or on your feet) and some arm/leg swings. The warm up should last for 5-10 minutes at a light intensity.

Before beginning this exercise routine with the bands, make sure you have the correct level of resistance bands to allow you to complete 12 repetitions without extreme effort. Generally, Therabands increase in resistance with darkening colour in the following order:

Yellow, red, green, blue, black. Start lighter rather than heavier for the first session.


After finishing the workout, it is just as important to cool down as it is to warm up. Do this by doing some gentle static stretches of the muscles we have worked in this session, holding for 3 sets of 30 seconds. You can also use an active recovery by walking or riding for a few minutes.


Okay so the face pull is the holy grail when it comes to improving upper back stability, shoulder stability and posture. A lot of people have upper back pain (especially office workers) that is related to postural issues which can be addressed with this exercise.
A note here is that if you are using bands, as you pull further it gets harder and harder. With this exercise the most difficult part is the end point where the bands is also the most stretched. So either make the band a little easier or start the exercise from the middle with bent arms.
Also make sure that you are moving from high too low with this exercise, because going from low to high can cause your to round your posture and shoulders and lead to shoulder impingement. With that said, lets go through it.

  • Place a band around a door knob or a pole that it about chest height or above, or use a rope on a cable machine if you have access to one
  • Grab the band or rope from underneath with you palms facing up
  • Square your feet and legs toward the band with your arms straight out infant of you
  • Now you pull the band as if you are trying to pull it toward your face (hence the name FACE PULL)
  • You want to finish in a position where your arms and head make the shape of a W, making sure your arms are nice and wide.
  • Make sure you don’t lead with the elbows and instead make sure your hands are getting back far enough
  • Then slowly relax back to the start position

This exercise is targeted at your deltoids, the large muscle which sits over your shoulders. Our deltoid are important for many everyday tasks, as the help lift your shoulders forwards, sideways and backwards.forward raise
To do this exercise:

  • First stand on a band with it held in each hand
  • Have your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and your arms down by your sides
  • Now raise your arms out to yours, sides up to shoulder height. Do not go above shoulder height as this may cause pain or impingement in the shoulder if you don’t have good mobility.
  • Ensure you do not let your shoulders hunch or lean your body
  • Slowly drop your arms back down to your sides
  • You can make this exercise easier by getting a lighter band or by not raising your arms as high

Stand up straight, standing on the band and holding it in each hand.  Keeping your shoulder blades relaxed and your gaze directly ahead. Lift your arms directly forwards, with your palms face down towards the floor (you can have your plans facing each other if this is more comfortable for your shoulders. Your elbows should remain straight. Once your arms are at shoulder height, control the movement as you lower your arms back down to your sides.


The bird dog is a great exercise for your core and lower back muscles, as well as glute and shoulder strength.
To do this exercise:

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders, and knees under your hips.
  • Tighten the abdominal core muscles so that your lower back is stable and flat.
  • Extend the opposite leg behind you and the opposite arm in front of you simultaneously, making sure your maintain good control in your torso.
  • Do not allow your body or hips to rotate.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Calf raises are a great exercise for your gastrocnemius (or calf muscles) at the back of your lower leg. These muscles are critical for everyday tasks such as walking, standing, ascending stairs and basically any time we are on our feet.

  • Start in a balanced stance with your feet shoulder width apart and then raise yourself up on your toes as high as possible.
  • Return back to the starting position.

The bicep curl is a great exercise for the development of the biceps at the front of you upper arm. These muscles are use to lift and carry objects, as well as to assist in pulling motions.

  • Stand on the band with your feet hip width apart, and hold the band in both hands.
  • Have the band coming from the inside of your palms, as this force will help engage the bicep muscles more.
  • Maintain a good posture and keeping your elbows tucked into your sides, pull the band upwards in a curling motion.
  • Pause for a second before allowing the weight to return to the start position.

The tricep push down strengthens the tricep muscles at the rear of your upper arms. These muscles help to straighten the elbow, which is involved in any pushing motions.
To do this exercise:

  • Place a band at a high point (such as over the top of a door).
  • Grasp the band with both hands facing toward the band.
  • Keep your elbows bent and pull the rope down until your forearms are  parallel with the floor.
  • Maintain a good posture and then push the rope downwards until your arms are straight. 
  • Pause for a second before you allow the weight to return to the starting  position with your elbows parallel to the floor.

The squat to overhead press exercise is a great 2 in 1 exercise which will target your glutes, quads and shoulder, while also working on lower back stability.
To do this exercise:

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart standing on a band with the ends in each hand a Lower down into a squat by bending the hips and knees.
  • Push back up and out of the squat by extending through your hips and knees and at the same time drive the band up until you straighten out at the elbows, ensuring the bands are directly above your shoulders.
  • Keep your head upright and gaze forward throughout the movement.

The chest fly is designed to increase the strength of the pec muscles at the front of your chest. These muscles are involved in pushing motions and with assisting the arm in moving across the body.
To do this exercise:

  • Ensure the cable handles are at chest height and walk over to each handle in turn and grasp in either hand.
  • Keeping your elbows slightly bent and your palms facing forwards walk  forward and take the strain.
  • Maintaining good posture, slowly bring your hands inwards until they are together in front of your chest.
  • Keeping your elbows in a slight bend as you tighten the chest muscles.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and continue on for the required number of repetitions.